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  A new poll has revealed the perfect girlfriend - she is 5ft 5in tall, has an Irish accent and is a Manchester United fan.

  And when asked which celebrity most matched their ideal other half Kelly Brook, Cheryl Cole and Jessica Ennis topped the charts.

  In terms of movie interests the Patrick Swayze rom com classic Dirty Dancing should be her perfect movie, while Match of the Day should be amongst her top TV choices.

  Game of Thrones, Corrie and Friends wouldn't go a miss either.

  British men would apparently like to date a nurse or teacher with brown hair and think it's more attractive if she wears make-up - but only a little.

  An Irish accent is preferred while roast dinners are this fictional girl's favourite meal.

  The survey of 2,000 men was conducted by dating app Lovoo.

  "It seems that British men have very specific tastes for a girl to live up to," said founder Benjamin Bak.

  "We know that everyone has a favourite hair colour and sometimes even eye colour and height.

  "But we think that avoiding a woman because she might support an opposing football team or enjoy a different genre of films to you, might be being a bit too picky."

  Men apparently don’t want a woman who can just impress them; they want a girlfriend who will get on with the other important woman in their life too – their mum.

  But after all that, three quarters of the single men who responded to the study said they don’t think they will meet their perfect woman and will have to compromise instead.

  And more surprising still, a whopping 40% of men already in a relationship admitted their current wife or girlfriend isn't the perfect woman for them.

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