
名人家书:托马斯爱德华劳伦斯 致母亲(2)

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  Sunday 11 August 1907

  Dear Mother,

  Father is out, and so I am at last writing to you. I would have written before, butwas sobusy taking photos, Chateau Gaillard.Beauvais was a wonderfulplace, and I left it with great regret for Gisors which was disappointing,(a large castle,but all the towers locked up), from Gisors we cameto Petit Andelys .The Chateau Gaillard was so magnificent,and the post cards soabominable , thatI stopped there an extra day.&did nothing but photograph,from 7.p. m.I took ten altogether. and if all are successful, Iwill have a wonderful series. Iwillcertainly have to start a book. Some of them werevery difficult to take, and the whole day was veryhard. Ithink Pt. Andelys wouldbe agoodplacetostop at. The hotel is cheap, and very pleasant.The Seine runs near the back door.& the bathingis excellent, from a little wooded island in the centre of the river.There are plenty of hills withinsight,&many interesting places.Also the sceneryall along the river is exceedingly fine.Long stringsof barges pulled by a steam-tug pass the hoteloccasionally,and the whole place is overshadowedby the hills with the ruins of the Ch eau.I havetalked so much about this to you that you mustknow it all by heart,so I had better content myselfwith saying that its plan is marvellous,theexecution wonderful,and the situation perfect.The whole construction bears the unmistakablestamp of genius.Richard I must have been a fargreater man than we usually consider him:he musthave been a great strategist and a great engineer,as well as a great man-at-arms.

本文标题:名人家书:托马斯爱德华劳伦斯 致母亲(2) - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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