
英汉英语美文:love & marriage

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"It's like the ebb and flow of every relationship," Aniston says. "It's hard; it gets easy; it gets fun again. What's hard to sustain is some ideal that it's perfect. That's ridiculous. What's fantastic about marriage is getting through those ebbs and flows with the same person, and looking across the room and saying, 'I'm still here. And I still love you.' You re-meet, reconnect. You have marriages within marriages within marriages. That's what I love about marriage. That's what I want in marriage. It's unfortunate, but we live in a very disposable society. Those moments where it looks like 'Uh-oh, this isn't working!'—those are the most important, transformative moments. Most couples draw up divorce papers when they're missing out on an amazing moment of deepening and enlightenment and connection."
She sighs heavily and turns away to light a Merit cigarette. "That's not Brad's view of it," she says, glum again. "We believe in different things, I guess. You can't force a relationship, even if it's your view of how you would like it to be conducted. Obviously two people leave a relationship because there's a different thought pattern happening. My goal is to try and achieve a very deep, committed relationship. That's what I'm interested in, but it's someone's prerogative to be or not to be in or out of a relationship.



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本文标题:英汉英语美文:love & marriage - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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