

阅读 :

   accepts you as you are 接受原本的你

  believes in "you" 相信你这个人

  calls you just to say "hi" 打电话给你就是想说声"嗨"

  doesn`t give up on you 从不放弃对你的信心

  envisions the whole of you 预期你总是尽全力

  forgives your mistakes 原谅你的过错

  gives unconditionally 无条件地给予

  helps you 帮助你

  invites you over 邀请你

  just "be" with you 静静地在你的身旁

  keeps you close at heart 靠近你的心

  loves you for who you are 因你原来的样子而爱你

  makes a difference in your life 使你的生活与以往不同

  never judges 不评判

  offers support 支持你

  picks you up 扶你一把

  quiets your fears 止息你的惧怕

  raises your spirits 鼓舞你的心灵

  says nice things about you 跟别人述说你好的那一面

  tells you the truth when you need to hear it 当需要时会告诉你实情

  understands you 懂你

  values you 看重你

  walks beside you 与你同行

  x-plain things you don`t understand 解你的疑惑

  yells when you need to listen 在你听不下时会大吼一下

  zaps you back to reality 把你拉回现实

  a..b..c..d.......z----send to your friend!!!

本文标题:朋友,尽在26个字母中 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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