

阅读 : 151 次


While listening in on strangers conversations should still be considered rude and intrusive, sometimes you can't help but pick up a juicy snippet of gossip, completely out of context, that is just comedy gold.


People are taking to Twitter in their thousands to document these random overheard conversations, and while this may suck in terms of our privacy when out among strangers, its certainly good for a laugh on the internet!


Scroll down below to check out some of the best, compiled in a list. And don't forget to vote for your favorites!


1.Overheard 15 year old niece fighting with her friend: you think I can’t live without you? Who do you think you are? My phone charger?


2.I was at a party and a drunk girl passed me on herphone, crying, “I’m trying to find Marco, but people keep yeling back Polo…”


3.Overheard at a gas station:


Clerk 1: Janet workedlast night, didn’t she?


Clerk 2: yeah why?


Clerk 1: The candy is organized by color again.


Clerk 2: Dammit Janet.


4.“See young people do taichi !”


“No Mom, I think she’s looking for a wifi signal.”


5.Today my wife was at Costco when she overheard a conversation between a 70-something white man and a 40-something Asian man.


The converstaion went as follows, and has us both disgusted but also cheering:


Older White Man: Do you know of any good Chinese restaurant?


Asian Man: I’m not sure, maybe Jingdu.( local restaurant )


Older White Man: Do you work there?


Asian Man: No sir, I do not.


Older White Man: No? Do you even know who our President is ?


Asian Man:亚洲男人:Yes sir, I sure do(slightly chuckle)


Older White Man: Sure, you do…what, do you even do for work then?


Asian Man: Sir, I am a cardiac surgeon in the emergency room. Why do you ask?


Older White Man:Eyes widen and he walks away.


6.I once overheard two old Latinas at the store saying how they wanted to grab a man’s butt. O speak Spanish. It was mu butt.


7.Overheard a trainer at the gym this moring: “honey listen. Life does’t get better. You get better.” Oh how much I love that.


8.Overheard from child on playground:”I’m sad. Wait. There’s nothing to be sad about. Okay, I’mhappy!”


9.Actual I quote I overheard my 7 year old daughter say when she met someone at the park today. “I’m Isabella. I’m good at gymnastics and fighting to the death.”


10.I once overheard the cop who pulled me over whisper into his radio:” not our guy. This one’s got pants”



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本文标题:纽约人的日常对话:原来你们是这样的社会人! - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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