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It's time to tap into your everyday joy.


Big moments in life — weddings, births, new jobs, graduations — are special, but appreciating the smaller, daily occurrences can really maintain your happiness.


Here we've rounded up some tiny, joyful moments that never fail to lift everyone's mood. There's glee to be found in even the smallest circumstances:


1. When your boss gives you a compliment. Genuine compliments are way more meaningful than superficial praise. If your boss gives you sincere accolades for your work on something, you know they mean it.


2. An upbeat conversation with a stranger. Research shows that social interactions with strangers can boost feelings of happiness.


3. Finding a parking space in a crowded lot.


4. When the weather is perfect. That skip in your step on a spring day isn't all in your head. Studies suggest weather has an influence on your mood.


5. Taking a warm shower. Ahhh. Not only is it relaxing, it may help regulate your body temperature for better sleep.


6. When your favorite artist comes out with new music. Music has a direct influence on your mood — even sad songs can evoke positive emotions. Turn the volume up.


7. Finding money in your pocket. It's like your own miniature version of winning the lottery.


8. When you finally get some peace and quiet. A little silence is good for your soul. Research suggests it could relieve stress and give your brain a much-needed break.


9. Snail mail. There's just something about a tangible invitation or letter that brings glee. It's way better than your inbox — which inevitably stresses you out.


10. The first few moments after a fresh snowfall. Is there anything more serene?


11. Crawling into bed with fresh sheets. There's just something about a well-made bed that instantly puts your mind at ease.


12. When you cut a mango or avocado perfectly around the pit. Sweet, sweet success.


13. When someone surprises you with flowers. Any expression of gratitude — whether you're on the giving or receiving end — can improve your well-being.


14. When you recognize someone wearing your favorite team's jersey or in another country. Hive fives all around.


15. The feeling you get after booking a trip. Start packing. Research shows planning a vacation can boost your happiness.


16. Listening to a baby giggle. Honestly, there's no better sound in the world. Go on and laugh with them — studies show laughing can boost your happiness and even lower your blood pressure.


17. The look on your pet's face when they see you. Now that's unconditional love. Research shows pet ownership makes you happier.


18. Having a really good date with a loved one. It could be a significant other or just your best friend. Hanging with the special people in your life can reduce stress.


19. When your food comes at a restaurant. One word: mouthwatering.


20. The moment when you realize you're incredibly content. A day with no complaints? That's the good stuff. Happiness looks good on you.



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