

阅读 :

1. Life is a gift, and the more the better.

2. "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life."  Yep.

3. Be friendly as a matter of policy.  Turn the other cheek in the face of ad hominem attacks.  It might seem crazy, but it works.

4. Obsessiveness is an powerful solution for physical and social problems.  Unfortunately it's also a major cause of emotional problems.

5. Once you're an adult, religious people will leave you alone if you leave them alone.

6. People vary more widely than you think.  Tell yourself it's nobody's fault.

7. Selection is the key to social harmony.  Surround yourself with true friends who love you just as you are.  If you don't see any around, quest for them.

8. Raise your children with kindness and respect.  "I'm your parent, not you're friend" is a reason to treat your kids better than their peers do, not worse.

9. Your mind ages at a slower rate than you expect when you're young, your body at a faster rate.

本文标题:人生前40年,我对生活的10个感悟 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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