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are fathers ecessary?

a paternal contribution may not be as essential as we think.

by pamela paul

帕梅拉·保罗(pamela paul) 撰文 海瑞两千 译

even the most recession-walloped and otherwise diminished man can take pride in his essential role as father. fathers, barack obama intoned in a 2008 father’s day speech, are “critical” to the foundation of each family. “they are teachers and coaches. they are mentors and role models. they are examples of success and the men who constantly push us toward it.”


none of this would seem particularly controversial. nor would the ominous statistics obama reeled off about kids who grow up without dad: five times as likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times as likely to drop out of school, and 20 times as likely to wind up in prison. obama was citing a commonly accepted and constantly updated body of research. the effectively fatherless obama is clearly a freakish outlier. as for the rest of the fatherless: insufficiently breast-fed, apt to develop attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, unable to form secure bonds, lacking self-esteem, accident prone, asthmatic, and fat.


liberal feminist moms—eager for the participation of our emotionally evolved, enthusiastically diaper-bag-toting mates in the grueling round of dual-career child rearing—are keen to back the data. dads, we tell our husbands, are essential influences on children, the source of unique benefits.


there’s only one problem: none of this is proven. in the february issue of the journal of marriage and family, judith stacey, a professor of sociology at new york university, and timothy biblarz, a demographer from the university of southern california, consolidated the available data on the role of gender in child rearing. as stacey and biblarz point out, our ideas of what dads do and provide are based primarily on contrasts between married-couple parents and single-female parents: an apples-to-oranges exercise that conflates gender, sexual orientation, marital status, and biogenetic relationships in ways that a true comparison of parent gender—one that compared married gay-male couples or married lesbian couples to married heterosexuals, or single fathers to single mothers—would not. most of the data fail to distinguish between a father and the income a father provides, or between the presence of a father and the presence of a second parent, regardless of gender.

这里只有一个问题 :以下所述没有一个被证明。在二月号的《婚姻与家庭》杂志上,纽约大学的社会学教授朱迪思·史黛丝(judith stacey)和来自南加利福尼亚大学的人口统计学家蒂莫西·比布拉兹(timothy biblarz),汇总了现有的有关子女抚养中性别角色的数据。史黛丝和比布拉兹做了这样的说明:我们关于“爸爸”的所作所为及所付抚养的概念,主要是建立在已婚双亲家长和单亲女性家长相比对的基础上的:一次苹果-柑橘式比较的演习,它把性别、性倾向、婚姻状况、生物遗传关系放在一起以多种方法进行比较,而不是一种真正“家长性别背景”——已婚男性同性恋力偶或已婚女性同性恋俪偶与已婚异性伉俪相比、或者单身父亲与单身母亲相比——意义上的比较。多数研究数据,往往把父亲与父亲所供给的收益作等量观,也不分别在世的“父亲”和在世的 “父母中的第二家长”(second parent),即对后者不做性别上的区分。


本文标题:双语:没有父亲又如何? - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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