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it takes some of us a long time to recover from a broken heart. the first person you fall in love with is often not the right person, but is usually the most difficult to recover from.


  i understand how when the failure of love happen to us, our entire impression of the love can change. for this reason i think it is most important that you keep your positive outlook.


  take some comfort in the thought that thousands of people are in the same boat with you every day, and you will live through it and you will be a better person for having done so.


  forget about the past and set some new dreams for the future. the best way to recover from a broken heart is to get busy.


  work hard, get involved in as many things as possible and try to make some new friends. you are still young and you have plenty of time to meet the right person.


  don't give up hope; just put your energy into achieving the other things you want from life. the person whose heart gets broken in a romance is usually the one who bounces back the best, and in most cases is the one who will do something successful in the other areas of life.


  you will benefit from this experience in the end.



本文标题:英汉英语美文:如何走出失恋的阴霾 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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