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Igniting the Olympic Flame

  I can still remember holding my breath as a flaming arrow soared through the air on its way to commencing the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games. When the elevated podium erupted into magnificent hues of orange and red I finally let out a sigh of relief. The skill of the archer combined with the power of modern technology produced a magnificent result. The origins of the Olympic Flame come from ancient Greece; this tradition was revived at the 1928 Olympics and has been a symbol of the Games ever since.

  The Flame is ignited a few months before the Games begin. It is then relayed around the world by athletes and celebrities all the way to the Olympic venue where it ignites a cauldron that burns for the duration of the Games. Technology and imagination have combined to provide some ingenious and exciting ways to both carry the Flame and ignite the cauldron at the Opening Ceremony.

  In 1948 the Flame was transported by boat across the English Channel; in 1952, the Flame made its first ever aviation trip to Helsinki; in 1956, the Flame traveled on horseback through Australia; and on its way to the 2000 Games, the Flame even traveled underwater!

  In 1976, something truly remarkable happened to the Olympic Flame it was transformed into an electric pulse, the pulse was then transmitted to an orbiting satellite, and finally, it was converted into a laser beam to relight the Flame! This achievement heralded the partnership of technology with the Flame.

  The modern Games don‘t just provide an arena for competition among athletes for gold; they now promote competition among host countries to show off their imagination and ingenuity. The end result is a magnificent display of human ability and technological advancements and the whole world can applaud the performance!







  soar v. 高飞

  erupt v. 喷出;爆发

  revive v. (使) 恢复

  ignite v. 点燃

  relay v. (消息, 货物等)分程传递

  duration n. 持续时间

  ingenious adj. 有独创性的

  convert vt. 使转变

  herald vt. 宣布


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奥运 圣火


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