Shenzhen English Corner


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   "That was the happiest birthday of my life, for while we were resting between dances Richard took me outside into the cool, moonlit night, and there, under the stars ,he told me he loved me and asked me to marry him. Of course I promised I would, for I was too happy to think of what my parents would say, or indeed of anything except Richard was not at our meeting place as he had arranged. I was disappointed but not alarmed, for so many things could happen to either of us to prevent out keeping our tryst. I thought that next time we visited the Van Ransburgs, I should hear what had kept him and we could plan further meetings…


  "So when my father asked if I would drive with him to Driefontein I was delighted. But when we reached the homestead and were sitting on the stoep drinking our coffee, we heard that Richard had left quite suddenly and had gone back to England. His father had died, and now he was the heir and must go back to look after his estates.


  "I do not remember very much more about that day, except that the sun seemed to have stopped shining and the country no longer looked beautiful and full of promise, but bleak and desolate as it sometimes does in winter or in times of drought. Late that afternoon, Jantje, the little Hottentot herd boy, came up to me and handed me a letter , which he said the English baas had left for me. It was the only love letter I ever received, but it turned all my bitterness and grief into a peacefulness which was the nearest I could get, then, to happiness. I knew Richard still loved me, and somehow, as long as I had his letter, I felt that we could never be really parted, even if he were in England and I had to remain on the farm. I have it yet, and though I am an old, tired woman, it still gives me hope and courage."


  "I must have been a wonderful letter, Aunt Stephia,"I said. "斯蒂菲娜老姑,那封信一定美极了吧,"我说。

  The old lady came back from her dreams of that far-off romance."Perhaps," she said, hesitating a little, "perhaps, my dear, you would care to read it ?"老太太从她那久远的爱之梦中醒过神来。"也许,"她带着犹豫的神情说,"也许,亲爱的,你想看看那封信吧?"

  "I should love to , Aunt Stephia,"I said gently. "我很想看,斯蒂菲娜老姑,"我轻声说。

  She rose at once and tripped into the house as eagerly as a young girl. When she came back she handed me a letter, faded and yellow with age, the edges of the envelope worn and frayed as though it had been much handled. But when I came to open it I found that the seal was unbroken.她猛地站起身,奔进屋里,急切得像个小姑娘。她从屋里出来后,递给我一封信。由于天长日久,那信已经褪色发黄,信封边已经磨损,好像曾被摩挲过好多次。但在取信时,我发现封口还没有拆开。

  "Open it ,open it,"said Great-aunt Stephia, and her voice was shaking. "拆开,拆开吧!"斯蒂菲娜老姑声音颤抖地说。

  I broke the seal and read.我撕开封口,开始念信。

  It was not a love letter in the true sense of the word, but pages of the minutest directions of how"my sweetest Phina"was to elude her father's vigilance, creep down to the drift at night and there meet Jantje with a horse which would take her to Smitsdorp. There she was to go to "my true friend, Henry Wilson",who would give her money and make arrangements for her to follow her lover to Cape Town and from there to England ," where, my love, we can he be married at once. But if, my dearest, you are not sure that you can face lift with me in a land strange to you, then do not take this important step, for I love you too much to wish you the smallest unhappiness. If you do not come, and if I do not hear from you, then I shall know that you could never be happy so far from the people and the country which you love. If, however, you feel you can keep your promise to me, but are of too timid and modest a journey to England unaccompanied, then write to me, and I will, by some means, return to fetch my bride."


  I read no further.我没有再念下去。

  "But Aunt Phina!"I gasped. "Why…why…?" "可是,菲娜老姑,"我气喘吁吁地说,"为什么……?为什么……"

  The old lady was watching me with trembling eagerness, her face flushed and her eyes bright with expectation."Read it aloud, my dear,"she said."I want to hear every word of it. There was never anyone I could trust…Uitlanders were hated in my young days…I could not ask anyone."


  "But, Auntie, don't you even know what he wrote?" "可是老姑,难道你一直不知道信里的事吗?"

  The old lady looked down, troubled and shy like a child who has unwittingly done wrong.老太太低头俯视着,像一个无心做错事的孩子一样怯生生的,不知说什么才好。

  "No, dear," she said, speaking very low."You see, I never learned to read. "不知道,亲爱的,"她用低沉的声调说,“你知道,我从来没有念过书啊!”

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