
A Humble Gift

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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!

Online English Writing Community

  It is the last day of the school year and I stand empty-handed with no gift to give you.

  It isn't that I haven't tried to think of something thoughtful and kind…… quite to the contrary1. For months, I have combed2 catalogs, browsed3 specialty shops4 and department stores, inquired of novelty5 shops, and even searched the Internet only to realize that no bauble6 or trinket7 or card could measure up8 to the feelings of a mother's grateful heart and a teacher's loving dedication.

  How I wish a colorful bundle of fresh wildflowers could reflect the beauty of your way with children――the constant patience and nurturing, the gentle encouragement. A keepsake9 basket laden with soothing soaps and bath oils would eventually serve only as a common gift were its sturdy10, woven walls not filled to overflowing with examples of the individual ways you have touched the lives of your students.

  Jewelry would surely be nice, but what can I afford that would not soon tarnish11 or grow quickly out of style? You deserve the gems of royalty for your perseverance12 and creativity, your devotion and talent. During the past year, I have given you many small gifts, mostly intangible13 ones.

  At the moment the first school bell rang last August, I placed in you my trust, believing you would teach my child and reserve respect for me as a parent. I added to that my constant and fervent14 prayers that you would be objective15 and fair with the ability to set limitations while offering my child a chance to learn self-control and to soar a bit in the process. I sincerely petitioned16 that your classroom would be a safe haven for my child to grow and learn, lending itself to17 the crazy, yet somehow perfect, mixture of self-discipline and controlled instruction. I prayed for your health and your happiness, and your ability to be supplied with the tools necessary to complete your task as teacher and educator and mentor18. I offered you my time as often as I could, and my support for your endeavors. Occasionally, I even offered you a challenge when I spoke my mind, sometimes standing firm, sometimes backing down19 with a renewed assurance or a " wait and see" attitude!

  I wish with all my heart I could put a delicate ribbon on a gayly20 wrapped package and give you a " something" to express my appreciation and affection, but I have nothing to give you that would surpass the most precious gift I have ever had to offer and which you already so graciously accepted months ago―― the one you have held close to your heart, laughed with and probably cried with, applauded and scolded, encouraged and molded――my child!

  And today, as my child returns to my side for the summer, the gift I humbly give to you is found deep within my heart……

  I give to you my thanks.



  不是我没有花心思力图找到一件既有意义又能聊表寸心的礼品……恰恰相反。几个月来,我翻遍种种商品目录,去过数家特色商店、百货店,询问过饰品商店, 甚至在因特网上搜寻过,但到头来只是觉得小饰物,小玩艺或贺卡怎么能抵得上一位母亲充满感激的心和一位老师充满爱意的奉献呢?







  注释: the contrary 相反地

  2.comb vt.在…搜寻,在…四处找

  3.browse vt.浏览,随意观看

  4.specialty shop (主美)特色商店(专营某类商品或专为某类顾客而设)

  5.novelty n.小饰物(常用复数,此处为定语,用单数)

  6.bauble n.花哨的小玩意儿

  7.trinket n.小装饰物,廉价首饰

  8.measure up 合格,符合标准

  9.keepsake n.纪念品

  10.sturdy adj.结实的

  11.tarnish vt.使失去光泽,使变暗淡

  12.perseverance n.坚持不懈

  13.intangible adj.无形的

  14.fervent adj.热烈的

  15.objective adj.客观的,无偏见的

  16.petition vt.祈求,恳求

  17.lend oneself to sth 协助,参与,适于

  18.mentor n.贤明的顾问,导师,指导者

  19.back down放弃原来的主张

  20.gaily adv.花哨地

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