
Demaged Goods

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  The dust mites1 danced in the ray of sunshine that provided the only light in the rabbi's2 office. He leaned back in his office chair and sighed as he stroked3 his beard. Then he took his wire-rimmed4 glasses and polished them absentmindedly5 on his flannel6 shirt.

  " So," he said, " you were divorced. Now you want to marry this good Jewish7 boy. What's the problem?"

  He nestled8 his grizzled9 chin in his hand and smiled softly at me.

  I want to shriek. What's the problem? First of all, I'm Christian. Second, I'm older than he is. Third――and not least, by any means―― I'm divorced! Instead, I looked back into his soft brown eyes and tried to form the words.

  " Don't you think," I stuttered10, " that being divorced is like being used? Like being damaged goods?"

  He settled back into the office chair and stretched so that he was looking at the ceiling. He stroked the scraggly11 beard that covered his chin and his neck. Then, he returned to his spot behind the desk and leaned toward me.

  " Say you have to have surgery. Say you have a choice between two doctors. Who are you going to choose? The one right out of medical school or the one with experience?"

  " The one with experience," I said.

  His face crinkled12 into a grin. " I would, too," he locked his eyes with mine. " So in this marriage, you will be the one with experi ence. That's not such a bad thing, you know."

  " Often, marriages tend to drift. They get caught in dangerous currents13. They get off course and head toward hidden sandbars14. No one notices until it is too late. On your face, I see the pain of a marriage gone bad. You will notice the drift in this marriage. You'll call out when you see the rocks. You'll yell15 to watch out and pay attention. You'll be the person with experience," he sighed. " And believe me, that's not such a bad thing. Not bad at all."

  He walked to the window and peeked between the slats16 of the blinds17. " You see, no one here knows about my first wife. I don't hide it, but I don't make a big deal about it. She died early in our marriage before I moved here. Now, late at night I think of all the words I never said. I think of all the chances I let pass by in that first marriage, and I believe I'm a better husband to my wife today because of the woman I lost."

  For the first time, the sadness in his eyes had meaning. Now I understood why I chose to come talk to this man about marriage instead of taking an easier route and getting married outside both our religions. The word " rabbi" means teacher. Somehow I sensed he could teach me, or even lend me, the courage I needed in order to try again, to marry again and to love again.

  " I will marry you and your David," said the rabbi." If you promise me that you will be the person who yells out when you see the marriage is in danger."

  I promised him I would, and I rose to leave.

  " By the way," he called to me as I hesitated in his doorway," did anyone ever tell you that Joanna is a good Hebrew18 name?"

  Sixteen years have passed since the rabbi married David and me on a rainy October morning. And, yes, I have called out several times when I sensed we were in danger. I would tell the rabbi how well his analogy19 has served me, but I cannot. He died two years after our wedding. But I will always be grateful for the priceless gift he gave me: the wisdom to know that all of our experiences in life make us not less valuable, but more valuable, not less able to love, but more able to love.


















  1.mite n.微小的东西

  2.rabbi n.拉比(指犹太教负责执行教规、律法并主持宗教仪式的人员或犹太教会众领袖。原意为"我的老师".)

  3.stroke vt.(用手等)摩,捋

  4.wire-rimmed adj.(眼镜)金属丝镜架的

  5.absentmindedly adv.心不在焉地

  6.flannel n.法兰绒

  7.Jewish adj.犹太人的

  8.nestle vt.使紧贴,揽

  9.grizzled adj.花白的,灰的

  10.stutter vt.结结巴巴地说出

  11.scraggly adj.稀疏的

  12.crinkle vi.起皱,成波状

  13.current n.(空气,水等的)流,潮流

  14.sandbar n.河口沙洲

  15.yell vi.叫嚷,叫喊

  16.slat n.百叶板

  17.blind n.百叶窗

  18.Hebrew adj.希伯来语的

  19.analogy n.比喻,类比

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