English Corner

The High-Tech Student

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Why You Should Start Your English Blog Now China Classifieds!

  Remember the Stone Age days of research back in elementary school and middle school? We would spend countless hours digesting1 the information we could find on index cards. Do you recall using those ancient computers that ran with the Gopher program or some generic2 database whose name connoted3 a marmot4 that could take half an hour to find Moby Dick?

  Well, all I have to say can be summed up5 in five words: Thank God For The Internet! Screw6 going to the library! I have access to dozens of databases, journals, and collections of literature right at my fingertips. I can complete all of my research at home and no longer must run amok7 in the library, stressing out while trying to find Shakespeare's8 The Tempest9 or some other book, all the while trying to block out the noisy study groups who have forgotten what the " silence policy of libraries" means.

  If you recall the flood epidemic10 that hit Colorado State University just a couple summers ago, that natural disaster wreaked11 havoc12 all over campus. A large portion of journals and texts were located in our libraries' basement which completely filled up with about 10 feet of rain water in a matter of hours.

  The Lory Student Center's basement was also flooded and that was where the university bookstore was located. This forced almost every professor to order new textbooks and that really put a dent13 in our wallets. Many students here, myself included, still have to face the disappointment of searching for a particular book or journal for a last minute paper, only to find out that the certain item was a casualty14 of the flood.

  Thanks to the Internet, the university implemented15 the Inter-Library Loan system. Several universities around Colorado have generously aided us in our research endeavors by loaning any resource we need for at least two to three weeks. All we have to do is type in a request and five other university libraries automatically search for that information.

  Without this program, I may have failed several papers and projects. I would have had to spend my nights running from public library to public library around the state just to find a certain article or novel. The World Wide Web has also given us the capability to order any textbook at a much lower price than the university bookstores charge. Hey, we're all college students and we're usually broke16,so anytime we can find a deal or discount that will save us a few bucks17, we will gladly take it.

  And last but not least18, for those of us who are constantly homesick, have a special someone far away, or still want to keep in touch with pals, we have e-mail. Like most of you, I moved away from home to go to school and my high school friends spread out across the globe. Instead of wasting money on stationery and envelopes and stamps (which seem to increase in price about every year), I can chat with everyone through the Internet. Plus, scanning19 has allowed us to send pictures to our sweethearts, friends, and family who have forgotten what we look like. So, I'm asking everyone to get on their hands and knees and to pay homage20 to the tele- communications god, the Internet.









  1.digest vt.整理,把…分类

  2.generic adj.类的,通用的

  3.connote vt.包含,意味着

  4.marmot n.旱獭,土拨鼠


  6.screw vt.别了,让…见鬼去

  7.runamok 失去控制,狂热追求

  8.Shakespeare William莎士比亚(1564~1616)英国剧作家,诗人

  9.tempest n.暴风雨

  10.epidemic adj.流行的

  11.wreak vt.造成(破坏等)

  12.havoc n.(天灾)大破坏,大毁坏

  13.dent n.损害,削减

  14.casualty n.损失(或毁坏)的东西

  15.implement vt.实施,使生效

  16.broke adj.不名一文的,破了产的

  17.buck n.(一)元,(一笔)钱


  19.scanning n.扫描仪

  20.homage n.崇敬,敬意

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