
Gaining and Losing

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  On one occasion Sadhu Sundar Singh and a companion were traveling through a pass high in the Himalayan mountains. At one point they came across a body lying in the snow. Sundar Singh wished to stop and help the unfortunate man, but his companion refused, saying, “We shall lose our lives if we burden ourselves with him.” But Sundar Singh would not think of leaving the man to die in the ice and snow. As his companion bade him farewell, Sundar Singh lifted the poor traveler on to his back. With great exertion on his part, he bore the man onward, but gradually the heat from Sundar Singh's body began to warm up the poor frozen fellow, and he revived. Soon both were walking together side by side. Catching up with his former companion, they found him dead, frozen by the cold.

  In the case of Sundar Singh, he was willing to lose his life on behalf of another, and in the process found it, in the case of his callous companion, he sought to save his life but lost it.

  有一次Sadhu Sundar Singh和同伴旅行穿过喜马拉雅山上的一条小道。他们看到雪地上躺着一个人。Sundar Singh 希望停下来帮助这个不幸的人, 但他的同伴拒绝了,说:“如果我们背着他我们自己也会死掉的。”但Sundar Singh不不想把这个人留在冰雪中。当他的同伴与他告别后,Sundar Singh背起了可怜的路人。他用尽全力,背着那个人往前挪动,而且他身上散发出来的热气逐渐温暖了背上那个可怜的冻僵了的家伙,他苏醒了。很快两个人就肩并肩往前走。赶上他原来的同伴时,他们发现他已经冻死了。

  从Sundar Singh的角度看,他愿意付出生命的代价帮助别人,在帮助别人的过程中,他获得了生命。而对于他缺少人情味的同伴,他本想保全自己的性命,却偏偏失去了它。

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