Good morning everyone, I'm going to tell you about a typical of Australia breakfast this morning. Every morning, Ron and I cook breakfast together. I usually squeeze the orange juice and Ron cooks the bacon and egg and we have the fresh bread as well. First, we have some cereal which we have little milk. We have my some freshly squeezed orange juice this morning. It's very delicious, very nice.
Then have some bacon, bacon and egg, which Ron has cooked for us this morning.
And after that, we're going to have some beautiful fresh bread, which we have made during the night. We will eat that, with some jam, some peanut butter, some honey, some marmalade lots of choices.
Then we will have a cup of tea or coffee to finish off. Ok
I'm going to tell about recycling and how we deal with our rubbish here in Australia.
For many of the products we use, we are able to recycle. This is the recycling symbol and this symbol is on many of the products we use. We recycle plastic. We recycle cardboard. We recycle tin and in our home we have two bins…… one side for recycling, like plastic and here, we put all the recycling things in this side and we put rubbish in this side. This is not for recycling.
The general wastes are the recycling goes into the two bins that are on the footpath beside the road. The yellow bin, the bin with the yellow lid is the recycling bin and the bin on the other side with the black lid is for general rubbish. The bins are emptied the general rubbish is emptied every week, every Thursday.
So that's what happens with the rubbish here in Australia. I think it's a very good idea to have recycling, because it's very good for the environment.
Hello, again, I'm Marjie. Good day! I am Ron. I am going to talk to you today about twist top, bottle tops.
20 years ago in Australia, we had to use a bottle top opener like this to open a bottle of beer, but now we just twist, twist the lid and it will come off very easily, twist, and it comes off. ????§? There you go. You can have a drink. Put it in here. Keep's it cold. That's ok.Beautiful. Cheers! )
Hello, again. Today I'm going to tell you about our service station here in Australia. In Australia it's called a service station or a petrol station.
We buy most of the cars in Australia use unleaded petrol. Some of the older cars still use super petrol which use lend, but the Australian government is trying to encourage people to buy cars which use unleaded petrol, because that's much better for the environment, so unleaded petrol is cheaper than leaded petrol and unleaded petrol is more readily available.
All the service stations sell unleaded petrol, but in time, in two or three years time, there will be no super petrol sold any more, so the cars need to be converted to unleaded petrol which is better for environment.
Ok, this is a special crossing for the school children go to across the road. The children wait at the yellow line, until Deidre's ready and Deidre goes out …… into the middle road. She says, "stop", blows the whistle and now we can cross the road. We can cross the road.