
Father and I

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  Family means Father And Mother I Love You!

  It was you, built this home first, and then built me. It was you, held my hand, from past to now.

  When I was young, in my eyes, father was horrible. I feared his eyes; he looked very serious and severe. Even when I wasn't doing anything wrong in his presence, I didn't know why my heart told me I was. I frequently evaded him and prayed he would come back home after I had gone to bed, so he would not check my homework and criticize me.

  Father was silent, unbelievably silent after my mother complained about me after she had come back from a teacher-parent meeting that I hated most. He just glared at me, kept quiet; I hoped he would scold or even hit me, so that I wouldn't have to guess at the way he was going to punish me. But he did not punish me, and he did not talk to me for a whole week. And he was also silent when he saw my excellent student awards, just a smile! Although he was serious and taciturn, I always felt he cared about me a great deal and loved me very much.

  In my childhood memories, father did not impress me very well.

  Afterwards, I grew up, while father got older. I rarely came home after starting colorful college life. I seemed to find true happiness on campus; there was nothing better than hanging out with friends, talking with each other until midnight.

  But father's change made me feel strange; he was becoming much more talkative than before. Father wasn't horrible anymore; he always enjoyed picking me up from college and driving me home. In his car, we talked a lot about my future; he imparted knowledge I couldn't learn in school. I began to enjoy talking with him.

  And I also began to recall the father of my childhood from an adult's perspective. Yes, father seemed horrible, but he never blamed me; encouragement was only his feedback. He was taciturn, but he talked with my mother about how to improve me or help boost my confidence, because he knew I feared him greatly. My feelings were right! Yes, father loves me very much! Whenever he came back home, no matter how tired he was, what he cared most about was me; that I learned afterwards from my mother.

  Four years of college life was short, too short for me to stay longer with father. I went to study abroad. Up until the day I had to leave home, father was still as taciturn as when I was young, but at the airport I could read the worry in his eyes that I still feared to look into. I told him l would be the top student, and that he should trust me. He said returning home safely would please him more.

  Father's eyes and words inspired me during the days I was far from home.

  Now I am staying with my warm family again, and I often talk with him, much longer than ever before. And even when I am not home, we talk a lot on the telephone. I should apologize to him for my misunderstanding and ignorance as a child. Father's care and edification will benefit me my whole life. Family means Father And Mother I Love You!


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