

阅读 :

  May every day of your life bring you fresh hopes for tomorrow――because hopes give us all our reason for trying.


  May each new day bring a feeling of excitement, joy, and a wonderful sense of expectation. Expect the best, and you'll get it.


  May you find peace in simple things, because those are the ones that will always be there.


  May you remember the good times and forget the sorrow and pain, for the good times will remind you of how special your life has been.


  May you always feel secure and loved, and know you are the best.


  May you experience all the good things in life――the happiness of realizing your dreams, the joy of feeling worthwhile, and the satisfaction of knowing you've succeeded.


  May you find warmth in others, expressions of love and kindness, smiles that encourage you, and friends who are loyal and honest.


  May you realize the importance of patience and accept others for what they are. With understanding and love, you'll find the good in every heart.


  May you have faith in others and the ablity to be vulnerable. Open your heart and really share the miracle of love and intimacy.


  Above all, may you always have positive thoughts.


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本文标题:愿你的思想永远充满阳光 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文

上一篇:七夕的爱情 下一篇:在工作中成长


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