
少儿英语故事:ALFY and Havoc

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  Hey dad,can I please have a puppy?


  ALFY,we talked about this before.

  You can take a puppy,

  only if you promise to take really good care of it.

  I promise.I will,I will!

  Okey then,ALFY. You can get a puppy.


  Do we have time to go get one today?

  Click on the cuckoo clock to see what time it is.

  It's three o'clock.

  Let's go get my puppy.

  I don't know which one to pick!

  I love them all.

  Can we keep? Can we keep him? please?

  That dog is crazy.

  He causes havoc everywhere he goes.

  That's what I will call him, Havoc.

  Take him outside for a walk so that he knows how to behave in the house.

  Little Havoc was very happy to be with ALFY,

  but he was quite a handful,even for ALFY.

  He would chase after things.

  can you find the butterfly in the picture?

  Now it is time to train Havoc.

  Click on havoc to teach him to sit down.

  Great job!

  Now give Havoc a treat by clicking on the treat.

  Here you go,Havoc.

  It is now time to feed Havoc.Will you help ALFY feed him?

  Click on the dog food to fill Havoc's food dish.

  Now click on Havoc to let him eat his food.

  thank you for help me to feeding my dog!

  So,did I take good care of my puppy?

  Can we keep him?

  ALFY,you did such a great job of walking, feeding,

  and playing with your puppy,that you can keep him.

  Havoc is a good dog.


  I love you Havoc.

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