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In every experience

  Every choice is an opportunity to make the best choice. Every difficult decision serves as an occasion to firmly reinforce, with your actions, your most deeply held values.

  From every mistake, there is much you can learn. In every setback, there are seeds of a more determined, purposeful and effective life.

  Every disagreement is an opportunity to more fully understand. Every disappointment helps to shine a light on what you truly value most.

  Whatever this day holds, somewhere in it there is positive value. Each moment is filled with possibilities for adding to the richness of life.

  If you're determined to make negative judgments and criticisms, you'll find plenty of ways to do so. But what will that accomplish?

  Instead, let your life and your awareness resonate with the magnificent abundance that is present in each moment. And you'll find real, useful, enriching value in every experience.

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本文标题:激励英语:前车之鉴 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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