

阅读 :



Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so.


Don't become part of a workplace clique. As much as you might like some coworkers, you should maintain professional boundaries. Don't get drawn into gossiping, and don't take on other people's workplace battles just because you consider them friends.


Many 20-somethings don't know what they want to do, so they hang around the house or in low-level jobs waiting for the spirit to move them. Not making a choice is a choice. These 20-somethings think they are keeping their options open, but they are actually closing doors. Resumes start look thin, their peers begin surpassing them and they may get stuck in underemployment.


To sum up, often the hardest thing about combining work with study is making the decision to do it in the first place. Once you get started you will probably find that it's not as difficult as you'd imagined. Studying doesn't have to take over your life: just a few hours each week can make all the difference.


Always have your destination in mind; keep dreaming your big dreams. Once you cease dreaming, soon you will also lose your energy and be back to mediocrity.


When we fail, we might be tempted to think that we have wasted our time and thus regret it. But that's should not be the case. The fact that you have done something is much better than doing nothing. Rise up and move on. The regret lies not in doing, but in not doing.


As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. ——Andrew Carnegie, Founder of Carnegie Steel Company


When you live for others' opinions, you are dead.


Failure is inevitable if we are to succeed in life. Unfortunately, many people do not know how to overcome failure, and they are stopped by it when they encounter one. The ability to overcome failure is one big difference between successful and mediocre people.


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本文标题:英语美文阅读:实现你的梦想 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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