
英文幽默:Stopover 中途停留

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I couldn't decide whether to go to Salt Lake City or Denver for vacation, so I called the airlines to get prices. "Airfare to Denver is $300," the cheery salesperson replied. "And what about Salt Lake City?" "We have a really great rate to Salt Lake -- $99," she said. "But there is a stopover." "Where?" "In Denver," she said.

我想去渡假,但拿不定主意到底是去盐湖城还是去丹佛,于是我打电话到航空公司问问机票价格。“去丹佛的机票是300美元”,热情的销售人员回答。“那,去盐湖城的呢?” “去盐湖城我们有特别的优惠,只要99美元”,她回答。“但中途要停一站。”“哪?”“在丹佛”。

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