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Have you ever wondered how some people always seem to see the sunny side of things? How missed flights can turn into adventures, bad directions can deliver them to exciting new locales, lost opportunities lead them to new learning, and unexpected changes in plans leave them feeling more spontaneousthan flustered? How does that work, exactly?你有没有想过,有些人似乎总是看到事情积极乐观的一面。错过航班会成为一次大冒险;错误的方向,却可以指引到让人兴奋不已的地方;错失了一次机会,却能学到新事物;计划外的变动,带来的不是心慌,而是自在的感觉。如此乐观,这般快乐,究竟是如何炼成的?Count Your Blessings列出让你感到幸福的事Make a written (or mental) list of things you are thankful for, from very small to very big and anywhere in between. To really boost your spirits, set a number (like 100) and then just keep jotting everything down til you reach it. It's amazing what the mind remembers when focused!写出(或思考出)你要感谢的事情一份列表,生活中的大小事都可以。为了能真正起到振奋精神,要制定好数目(如100个),之后在你达到目标前,你要记下所有的一切。精神集中时脑子会记得很多!Notice Little Unexpected Things关注细小且意想不到的事情Pay special attention to things you don't normally "see," like the expression on kids' faces when they're playing, the sound birds are making in the background, or a little breeze。对一些通常“看不到”的事情,要给予特别关注,例如孩子玩耍时的脸部表情,鸟儿飞过的声音,还有吹过的微风。

Be Grateful For The Good时刻感谢身边的一切Being thankful for what we already have is a tried and true way to feel better. Sometimes we get caught up thinking of what else is out there, when we have so many things to be grateful for at any given moment。拥有后要满怀感恩之心,这是一种让你感觉更好、真实而可靠的方法。有时候,人们拥有了某些东西,却还想着其它,但其实在任何特定的时刻,我们都要为自己所拥有的而感到欣慰。Help Someone Else帮助他人Helping others takes the focus off our own ego and needs, and helps channel our energy into creating a better world for others. Studies show that helping others has multiplesurprising benefits to our health and well-being。帮助别人,能让自己放下自我和个人需求。另外,帮助他人也会引导出我们为他人创造美好世界的动力。研究表明,帮助他人对我们的身心都有很多意想不到的好处。Decide To Be Happy Today今天就要快乐This one is easy. Change your lens. Make a conscious decision to see the positive, to be kind to others, to be grateful, and to be nice to yourself。这个很简单,只要你做出改变。你得主动地向积极的一面靠拢,对他人友好,多感谢自己,对自己好点。Smile At A Stranger (And Make Two People Happy)对陌生人微笑(会让两个人都快乐)Smiling is another time-tested way to feel more optimistic. Even if you "fake it til you make it," and smile when you don't *really* feel like it, your brain thinks you feel better. People who see others smiling also feel more positive. Win, win!微笑也是一种经过时间考验、让人更乐观的方法。即便你一直要伪笑、感觉不到自己在笑,你的大脑也会有好的感觉。人们看到他人对自己笑,也会充满力量。这就是双赢的结果!Read Positive News读一些积极的新闻Proactively look for positive stories and news sources that highlight all the good in the world, like these sites for positive news and ideas。主动寻找一些世界各地积极乐观的新闻,如那些有正面的新闻和积极观点的网站。

Set A Small Goal, Then Do It定一个小目标,然后完成它Pick something easy, quick, and ideally a bit fun. Even small chores work. Make a little list, check them off as you do them, and feel the accomplishment endorphinskick in!选一些简单、快捷且有乐趣的目标,一些小家务也可以成为这样的目标。做一个目标表,每完成一个,就划掉一个,最后就能感受成功感受的冲击!Remember, Almost Everything Is A Choice记住,一切皆是机会You can choose your viewpoint, what you focus on, you reaction to a situation, your attitude toward people and events, and almost anything else. While bigger changes may require more planning and deliberation, they also are choices; you control your destiny。你可以选一个你关注的观点、对一个情况的反映、对人或事的看法,或是其它任何一件事。大改变需要更多的深思熟虑,这些事情就是你的机会。因为,命运在你手中。Absorb Nature与自然相融Getting out and about in nature -- or even focusing more deeply on everyday things you see outdoors -- helps remind us that we're all in this journey together. Seeing the amazing intracies in even the tiniest creatures can help refocus appreciation。出外走走,置身自然之中(或者深深感受每天那门外发生的点点滴滴),唤起我们与自然的同行。小生物有大智慧,因此我们也会重新懂得感谢,感谢自然。

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本文标题:十招助你搞定快乐生活-英语美文推荐 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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