

阅读 :

Remove unneeded possessions. Minimalism forces you to live in the present. removing items associated with past memories or lives frees us up to stop living in the past and start living in the present.
Smile. each day is full of endless possibilities! start it with a smile. you are in control of your attitude every morning, keep it optimistic and expectant.
Fully appreciate the moments of today. soak in as much of today as you possibly can – the sights, the sounds, the smells, the emotions, the triumph, and the sorrow.
Forgive past hurts. if you are harboring resentment towards another human being because of past hurts, choose to forgive and move on. the harm was their fault. but allowing it to impact your mood today is yours.
Love your job. if you just “survive” the workweek constantly waiting for the next weekend “to get here,” you are wasting 71% of your life (5 out of 7 days). there are two solutions: 1) find a new job that you actually enjoy (it’s out there), or 2) find something that you appreciate about your current career and focus on that rather than the negatives.
Dream about the future, but work hard today. dream big. set goals and plans for the future. but working hard today is always the first step towards realizing your dreams tomorrow. don’t allow dreaming about tomorrow to replace living in today.
Don’t dwell on past accomplishments. if you are still talking about what you did yesterday, you haven’t done much today.
Stop worrying. you can’t fully appreciate today if you worry too much about tomorrow. realize that tomorrow is going to happen whether you worry about it or not. and since worry has never accomplished anything for anybody, redirect your mental energy elsewhere.
Think beyond old solutions to problems. our world is changing so fast that most of yesterday’s solutions are no longer the right answers today. don’t get locked into a “but that’s how we’ve always done it” mentality. yesterday’s solutions are not today’s solutions and they are certainly not tomorrow’s solutions.
Conquer addictions. addictions in your life hold you hostage. they keep you from living a completely free life today. find some help. take the steps. and remove their influence over your life.

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本文标题:英语美文:从微笑开始,让生活更精彩的幸福物语(中英双语) - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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