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One day,plato asked his teacher,"What is love?How can I find it?"


His teacher answered ;"There is a vast wheat field in front .Walk forward without turning back and pick only one stalk.If you find the most magnificent stalk then you have found love."


Plato walked forward,and a long time passed before he returned with empty hands,having picked nothing.


His teacher asked ,"Why did you not pick any stalk?"


Plato answered ;"Because I could only pick once,and yet I could not turn back.I did find the most magnificent stalk,but did not know if there  were any better ones ahead ,so I did not pick it.As I walked future,the stalks that I saw were not as good as the earlier one,so I did not pick any in the end."


His teacher then said,"And that is love."


On another day,Plato ask his teacher,"What  is marriage?How can I find it?"


His teacher answered,"There is a thrivign forest in front.Walk forward without turning back,and chop down only one tree,If you find the tallest tree,then you have found marriage."


Plato walked forward,and before long,he returned with a tree.The tree was not thriving,and it was not tall either,It was only an ordinary tree.


His teacher asked,"Why did you chop down such an ordinary tree?"


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本文标题:英语美文欣赏爱情篇:爱情和婚姻的区别—佚名(中英双语) - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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