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大家Once there lived a king of great strength and wealth.Yet he was not happy.He told his servants to find him things to make him happy,but each came back saying,"Noting in the world can match the wonderful things you have already."Then in that land,there lived a poor man with a patch over one eye and a crutch to help him walk.Although he had little,he was always happy.When the king heard of this,he asked the man to teach him his secret.
"I never push." the man replied,"and I never rush.Most of all,I never wish for too much."Then he smiled and was gone.
从前有一位国王,很有权力和财富,然而他并不快乐。他告诉仆人去找可以使他快乐的东西,但是每个回来的人都说:“世界上没有什么比得上你已经拥有的极好的东西。”当时那个国家住着一个穷人,他一个眼睛戴着眼罩并靠拐杖走路。虽然他拥有的很少,但是他总是很快乐。当国王听说这件事的时候,他要求这个人教他快乐的秘决。 “我从来不强迫,”这个人答道,“而且我从不匆忙。最重要的是,我从不希望得到太多。”然后,他笑着离开了。
If you would make a man happy,do not add to his possessions but subtract from his desires.

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