

阅读 :




Make friends bravely and righteously, conduct oneself with a pure heart.



英译:When making friend, a spirit of being brave and righteous is needed while conducting oneself, a sincere and kind heart is needed.


Being honest and calm is better than taking care of physical and psychological health.



英译:If a man has a sincere and calm manner with a pleasant countenance, he would be able to get along well with his parents and brothers. They can understand each other. It is far better than concentrating on his physical and psychological health.


Want to conquer devils, conquer one's own mind first.



英译:If you want to conquer devils, conquer one's own mind first. If you want to control high-handed behavior, look inwards to yourself and control your own mood first.


Harmony brings peace; joy brings luck.



英译:During storms, birds feel careworn; on sunny days, vegetation flourishes. This shows that the universe cannot be short of a warm and peaceful atmosphere even for a single day and that a man should not lack happiness even for a single day.


Observe one's heart, true or false fully visualize.



英译:Sitting down alone at night when all is still, a man experiences and observes his inner world. At the start, he will find that unfounded things have completely vanished and sincerity has been revealed. Every time right now, he feels contentment. Yet afterwards, he would find it hard to shake off the unfounded things, and therefore feel rather ashamed of this moment.


A simple life shows the true goal; material desires sap the will.



英译: A man enjoying a spare meal is mostly able to keep his personal integrity ice-pure and jade-clean, while a man courting caparison and ambrosia is mostly willing to kiss the ground. Probably, a true goal can only be reached by a pure heart and few desires, while personal integrity can be swallowed by an acquisitive mind.


Think danger in safety; think stability in turmoil.



英译:If you live in low places, only then do you understand the danger in high-altitude climbing. Staying in dark places, you appreciate how dazzling it can be to to face the light. Keeping calm, it can become worrisome to be active. Keeping silent, it can make you seem boring to talk more.


Light diets prove real tastes; common things prove heroes.



英译:Strong drinks and fat, sour, sweet, bitter and hot - all these cannot be considered real tastes. A real taste is only a delicate one. Miraculous and ingenious, outstanding and excellent, all these cannot make a person perfect; a perfect person is only a common one.

编后语:《菜根谭》是明代还初道人洪应明所著的一部经典语录荟集。作者以儒、释、道三家的思想体系,汇集修身养性以及为人处世的人生哲学。古人云:性定菜根香。静心沉玩,乃得其旨。此外,本期特刊所摘取的语录英译文来自于宋德利《菜根谭》英译版本,经外专Brian Salter的悉心修正,使其更符合英语读者的习惯。

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本文标题:《菜根谭》语录选摘-古代心灵鸡汤(中英双语) - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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