- 英语美文:想提高生活质量应该精简的11个方面
- Ever heard the statement less is more? Is that a reality in your life or is that an area you are struggling with? Below are 11 different areas you can look at in your life to start...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 生活没有想象的美好:且行且珍惜
- When you’re a 20 something, you know you need to be mature because you’ve grown up. You’re seen as an adult, not a kid any more. It’s reality, and you really should face it. The fa...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 英语励志美文:人生好似一个包裹
- Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and mak...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 双语美文:我想改变世界
- I Wanted to Change the World 我想改变世界 By Byron Pulsifer ——拜伦·普尔西弗 Change is one of the tough choices in life. How many times have you wanted to help someone el...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 英语美文摘抄:真朋友难说再见
- 朋友难说再见 I’ve just come back from school, and I’m on my computer already! I could do anything to distract myself from your thoughts… I could read a book, do my homework or ev...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 英语英语短文:和自己谈场恋爱!
- How to Fall in Love With Yourself 如何爱上你自己? Weare constantly bombarded with visions of how we are not good enough or how we need to improve ourselves. And it’s not only ex...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 英语美文摘抄:不积跬步无以至千里
- One of the most inspiring quotes I ever heard regarding perseverance was by Brian Tracy. He said: “The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 《智慧书》里的一则箴言:远离影响声誉的事情
- 智慧书简介: 《智慧书》这本书作为警世箴言类著作,以精妙的语言和深刻的思想,给读者提供了处世的技巧和原则。翻译者语言功底深厚,词汇运用巧妙,属于较高级英语水平的译文,便需慢嚼细咽,细细体味。全书...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 想玩得开心,又保持友谊? 找个可以一起旅行的朋友!
- There is no more important decision or greater commitment in life than choosing the right traveling companion. Having a kid, getting married, rescuing a puppy, moving from Manhatta...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 舌尖上的英伦风情之下午茶
- 有民谣为证:“当时钟敲响四下时,世上的一切瞬间为茶而停。”小说《贵妇画像》的作者亨利•詹姆斯(Henry James)更是赞叹道:“There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to t...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 让你更健康快乐的九件小事
- As a health editor, I spend the majority of my day poring over content related to, well, health. At HuffPost, we're lucky to talk to experts on a daily basis about how to live...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 英文诗歌鉴赏:我不知道它是什么
- There is that in me--I do not know what it is--but I know it is in me. Wrench'd and sweaty--calm and cool then my body becomes, I sleep--I sleep long. I do not know it--it...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 英文诗歌鉴赏:至于死亡
- 这首诗把死亡写的那么美,你造吗?至于死亡,不知道看完你有什么想法呢?欢迎分享给小编哦。 And as to you Death, and you bitter hug of mortality, it is idle to try to alarm me. To his wo...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 双语英语短文:给你点儿颜色看看
- The color green is natural for trees and grass. But it is anunnatural color for humans. A person who has a sick feeling stomach may say she feels a little green. A passenger on a boat...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 你幸福吗?幸福指数告诉你
- In Paris, pleasure boats ply the Seine River as people stroll along its banks on a summer day. The French have six weeks of vacation, free universities, top-notch public transport and...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 调查称9大人群爱出轨
- Let's face it, no one wants to date a cheater but oftentimes we don't see the signs our boyfriend or girlfriend is a shady little liar. Forget him answering his phone in the cl...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 名人名言中的离别赠言
- 毕业的季节是离别的季节,告别又意味着新旅途的开始。让我们擦干离别时不舍的泪水,期盼来路一切顺利,朋友终将再相见。 If I should meet thee, After long years, How should I greet thee...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 玛丽莲·梦露的健身与饮食
- Recently, I stumbled onto one of the coolest things I’ve ever found: Marilyn Monroe’s complete health plan, circa 1952. Apparently, Ms. Monroe gave Pageant magazine a huge exclus...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 著名作家们的奇怪癖好
- 不要总看名作家们人前风风光光,其实他们也有一些不为人知的古怪癖好哦。这些癖好有时候会体现出他们可爱而真实的一面。下面就让我们一起来看一下吧。 Do you think that wordsmiths are a lit...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 英文姓氏背后的故事
- 很多英文姓氏都是从英格兰的祖辈那里传下来的。姓氏的广泛使用是在1066年诺曼人征服英格兰之后才开始的,随着国家人口不断增长,人们发现提到某个人时需要说得更详细一些才能明白。于是就出现了像Thomas...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 5个简单且健康的早餐窍门
- You may have seen reports in the news lately questioning the benefits of breakfast for weight loss, but I’m not ready to sanction skipping. In my experience, eating breakfast s...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 挪威人相信的6件最奇怪的事
- It will be sunny on the weekend. Compared to their gloomier Swedish and Finnish neighbors, Norwegians are a chirpier lot. And nowhere is their optimism more obvious than when they&...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 为什么生女胜生子?
- With global life expectancy now at age 68 for men and 73 for women, it’s more likely than ever that your children will have to support you in old age. But will it be your son or y...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- EQ很重要 14个信号证明你的情商高
- What makes some people more successful in work and life than others? IQ and work ethic are important, but they don't tell the whole story. Our emotional intelligence -- the way we...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文 -
- 英语短文:学会接受这个世界 生活将更快乐
- 我们能让这世界变得更美好么?这句话本身就是一个错误的假设,认为这世界不好。反过来,我们应该说世界就是这样的,没有什么绝对的好与不好。这是我们选择的生活方式,也是我们喜欢的生活方式。换个角度看待...
2019-03-16 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文