
一个值得纪念的日子 A Memorable Day

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One afternoon, it was drizzling. I was on my way home by train. There were only a few passengers in the carriage. When the train reached the station in front of a bridge, two impressive passengers got on, an old and a young. They looked like father and son. And they were both disabled. The old man was blind.The little boy of eight or nine years old had only one eye open,the other closed tightly. The little boy took pains to move with his father. As the train started rumbling again, the little boy's voice got around, "Grandpas, grandmas, uncles and aunts, my honor to meet you. I'm Xiao Ming. Now I will sing a song for you."  一天下午,天空下起了毛毛雨。我正在坐火车回家的路上。在车厢里只有少数乘客。当火车到达一座桥前的车站时,两个令人印象深刻的乘客上了车,一个老人和一个年轻人。他们看起来像父子。他们都是残废的。老的是个盲人。这个八九岁光景的小男孩只有一只眼睛是睁开的,另一只是紧紧的闭着的。小男孩艰辛地和他的父亲移动。当火车再次开始隆隆作响时,小男孩的声音传开,“爷爷,奶奶,叔叔婶婶们,认识你们是我的荣幸,我是小明。现在我要为你们唱一首歌。”  Although the song was not very elegant, it sounded cordial and sweet. After several songs, as was expected, the boy began to "beg". Neither did he use a plate, nor did he extend his hands before you. He just said, "Uncles and aunts", then he would keep in silence. Everyone understood what he meant, but they pretended to know nothing. Some even turned their heads aside.When the boy got to the end of the carriage with empty hands, a middle aged woman screamed with annoyance, "What the hell happens? The beggars are everywhere!" Suddenly all eyes fixed on them. To our surprise, the little boy said slowly and seriously, "Aunt, I'm not a beggar. I live on singing."  虽然这首歌不是很优雅,但是它听起来亲切、甜蜜。几首歌曲后,正如预料的那样,小男孩开始“乞求”。他既没有用碗也没有在你面前伸手要钱。他只是说,“叔叔阿姨们”,然后他就保持沉默。每个人都会明白他的意思,但他们都装作什么都不知道。有些人甚至把他们的头转向另一边。当这个男孩走到车厢的尽头时,仍然是两手空空。一个中年女人烦躁的尖叫着,“他妈的发生什么了?乞丐无处不在!”突然间所有的目光都盯着他们。让我们吃惊的是,这个小男孩缓慢严肃地说,“说真的,阿姨,我不是一个乞丐,我是以唱歌为生的。”  At that moment, my eyes misted. I was not aware of who started to applaud. Immediately, the carriage was filled with applause. As I was putting a coin on his hand, I believed that there was no beggar on earth.  在那一刻,我的眼睛模糊了。我不知道谁开始鼓掌了。车厢里马上充满了掌声。当我将一枚硬币放在他的手上时,我相信世界上不会再有乞丐。

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本文标题:一个值得纪念的日子 A Memorable Day - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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