English Corner

女孩爱八卦 Girls Like to Gossip

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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!


People say that girls like to gossip, and it is true for that. My mother and her friends always talk about the gossip when they stay together, unlike my father and his friends, they are talking about the business. Men and women are so different in communication, women are sensitive and they have to take care of all the family things, so they are more interested in the family issues. My friends and I will always talk about the gossip, because we are bored with our study, so we need to take some fun. Gossip gives us much pleasure, but no matter how we say about the others, we will never cross the moral line. We will never spread the gossip in the public and we won’t peer at their privacy. Sometimes gossip can bring people together and make them get to know each other.  人们都说女人爱八卦,事实也是如此。我的妈妈和她的朋友呆在一起的时候总是在谈论八卦,不像我的爸爸和他的朋友,他们只是在谈生意。男人和女人在交流方面是很不一样的,女人比较敏感,他们照料着家庭的所有事情,因此他们对家庭的事情比较感兴趣。我和朋友们也会谈论八卦,因为我们学习学到厌烦了,需要找些乐子。八卦给予了我们很多乐趣,但是无论我们怎么样谈论别人,我们都不会跨过道德的界限。我们从来不会在公共场所散播这些绯闻,也不会去窥见别人的隐私。有时候八卦能把人们聚集在一起,让他们认识彼此。


本文标题:女孩爱八卦 Girls Like to Gossip - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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