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Dear Peter,

I’m glad to know that you are going to visit a village of our country this summer holiday. I’d like to introduce my hometown to you. I really wish you can enjoy it.

My hometown lies in a mountainous area, and to the north of it is a high mountain which is famous for its green plants and magical fog. In the south of our village runs a small river, in which the water is so clean that we can see the reflected houses and green trees. There are many old and interesting houses and yards as well as some modern buildings in our village, and I think you will love it.

Great changes have taken place in our hometown in the past few years. Many roads have been built connecting our village with other villages and cities. People’s living standards have been greatly improved and they live a better life than before, and they will give you a warm welcome when you come.

Look forward to seeing you soon.

Li Hua








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