
关于旅游(About Travel)

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关于旅游(About Travel)

Anderson said that “To travel is live.” Yes, we can learn a lot when we are traveling. And nowadays, travel is becoming more and more popular in our life. How to treat it in a right way? Does it have any advantages? Here are my opinions.

There is no doubt that traveling is a good way to relax yourself. When you feel tired after working for a long time, you can go traveling to experience the beauty of nature. You can also breathe the fresh air and make friends with people who come from different places.

But on the other hand, it also has some disadvantages. For example, weather changes suddenly. And sometimes you may be wetted in the heavy rain or you may lose the way and so on.

On the whole, we should get ready for everything when we want to travel. We must have a good knowledge of the weather, and we must listen to the weather report before we go out. And the most important thing that we must remember is that we should go out with a companion, who can help you out of danger.

Therefore, taking good care of yourself when you are outside is very important. We must have a good knowledge of traveling.

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