

阅读 :

  When it comes to being yourself, there can be a lot of pressure from the outside world as it tries to influence who you are. Living in a society that is constantly developing, it’s important for you to always be yourself from the inside out.


  When you deeply know yourself and the boundaries that you have set, you are more likely to experience a fulfilling and rewarding life. Without knowing yourself and establishing those boundaries, you can easily be pushed around and end up on a dirt path.


  You have the option of taking the path that is broad or taking the path that is narrow. You can either conform to what life wants you to be, or have the courage to remain true to yourself throughout the years.


  It’s definitely a challenge to have a strong sense of self when we are constantly getting distracted and being influenced by the media and society’s way of life. But if you want to reach your fullest potential in life, it all starts with being yourself.


  Why should you always be yourself? Because you will:


  1. Live in alignment with your values and beliefs.


  Being yourself is all about knowing what you believe in and the values that you live by. When you are not yourself, you will take on the values and beliefs of others.


  2. Establish your own identity.


  No matter what happens in your life, you will always know who you are. There will be times where you may feel lost or distracted, but if you have your own identity you’ll be able to get back on the right path.


  3. Build courage.


  It takes a great amount of courage when you decide to take the path that goes against the crowd. The reason why the majority of people take the broad path is because it’s easy. It’s easy to just follow the crowd.


  4. Establish boundaries.


  When you are always yourself, you know what your limits are and the boundaries that you have set for yourself. If you are always yourself, you are more likely to be aware when people start taking advantage of you.

  当你一直做自己 ,你就会自己到自己的极限和你为自己设定的边界了。如果你一直做自己,当有人开始利用你时你很有可能会很警觉发现。

  5. Find focus and direction.


  When you stay true to who you are, you are more likely to know the goals you want to accomplish and how to go about accomplishing them. You are able to stay focused and know which direction to take in order for you to accomplish your goals.


  No matter what you experience in life, the only person that will always remain constant is you.


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本文标题:美文赏析:生活是你自己的选择 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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