难忘的事 An unforgettable thing
I still remember that thing a few years later and feel afraid.It happened on my way to play.It was Sunday. I would like to Maggie’s home for a visit.However, when I passed a river, I saw three children at my age playing in the river.How happy they were!At that time, I had a idea that I would like to ask Maggie to go swimming with me in the river.Suddenly, something scare happened.One the three chiledren slipped and the other two wanted to help him.Unfortunately, all of them were struggling.I was shock.And then I rushed to the river bank immediately.However, I saw nothing but the peaceful river.I knew what happened.I was frightened.A few hours later I heard the death of them.I was so frightened and sad that I have never go never any river since then.多年后我仍然记得那件事,仍然感到害怕。它发生在我出去玩的路上。那是一个星期日。 我想去玛吉家。然而,在我路过一条河的时候,我看到三个与我年纪相仿的孩子在河里玩。他们是多么的开心啊!在那个时候,我有一个想法,我要叫玛吉和我一起到河里游泳。突然,发生了一些恐怖的事情。其中一个孩子滑倒了,另外两个想去帮他。不幸的是他们三个都一起在水里挣扎。我呆住了。然后我立刻冲到河边。但是,除了平静的河面我什么都没看见。我知道发生了什么事。我吓坏了。几个小时后,我听到他们死亡的消息。我很害怕很伤心以至于从那以后我从来没有走近过任何河流。
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