
动物妈妈和宝宝(Animal Mothers and Babies)

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"cubs[幼兽] spend about 18 months with their mothers learning how to survive[生存], and it may take them another year or two to become good hunters. they often start out chasing[追猎] wildly inappropriate[不合适的] prey[猎物], including buffalo[野牛]. ... most females ... rear[培育] fewer than two individual cubs to independence in an average lifetime of seven years."

"a fistful[一撮] of mother's skin and hair keeps one-year-old bekti aloft[悬高] as she rides on beth, who is hurtling[飞奔] herself through the forest. it will likely be almost seven years before bekti will have a younger sibling[弟弟妹妹].""jaws[口] that can crush[碾碎] a backbone[脊骨] become a tender[温柔的] conveyance[运输工具] as [a bengal tiger[孟加拉虎] named] sita totes[提着] a cub[幼兽] to a new den[兽穴], a constant chore[家务] to safeguard[保护] her young from leopards[豹子], wild dogs, and other tigers. hiding cubs well is CRItical[紧要的], since she may be away hunting for 24 hours or more."

a horse and foal[幼驹] stand out against the gray of the english moors[荒野].

"like humans, wolves display a variety of temperaments[性情] and psychological quirks[怪癖]. their family structure more closely resembles[类似] ours than do those of many primate[首领] societies. loyalty and affection[忠于爱] toward kin[家族] are two of a wolf's more observable characteristics[显著的特征]."

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本文标题:动物妈妈和宝宝(Animal Mothers and Babies) - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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