
如何保持身体健康(How to Keep Healthy)

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如何保持身体健康(How to Keep Healthy)

Last year there was SARS in our country, this year we have had Bird Flu. So health is very important in our life. How to keep healthy? Please say something about it with 60 wrds.

Since we have had SARS and Bird Flu in our country, it is very important for us to keep healthy. How to keep healthy? First, we should have good diets. We must eat some meat, chicken and fish, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, a lot of rice, noodles and bread. We must not eat too much fried food or too many soft drinks. Second, we should have good eating habits. For example, we must have three meals a day. We must wash our hands before eating. In addition, we should take an active part in sports and recreation. When we feel tired, we can go out for a holiday to relax ourselves. If you want to enjoy your life, please remember the most important thing is to keep healthy.

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本文标题:如何保持身体健康(How to Keep Healthy) - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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