
杰克逊一家的星期天-The Jacksons Sunday

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杰克逊一家的星期天-The Jacksons Sunday

The Jacksons'get up early on Sundays. They usually don't have breakfast, but they eat a lot on Sundays. After that they go to church. There they meet many people. After they leave the church, they go to a park nearby.

In the park they spend most time of the day. They have a boating first and then have a picnic under a tree. After picnic the children begin to fly kites. Mr. and Mr. Jackson go fishing by the lake.

In the afternoon, the children play on the lawn and the couples have a walk in the park. They have a wonderful time on Sundays.




The Jacksons spend their happy time on Sundays. They get up early in the morning. After breakfast, they go to church. There they meet a lot of people. They like to talk with them.

After they leave the church, the Jacksons go to the park. They go boating happily. Then it is time to have lunch. They have a picnic under the tree. After lunch the children begin to fly kites while the couples are fishing by the lake.

In the afternoon the children play on the lawn while Mr. and Mrs. Jockson are walking in the park. They enjoy themselves.

They spend almost the whole day in the park.





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本文标题:杰克逊一家的星期天-The Jacksons Sunday - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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