趣味图片英语笑话:negotiations 谈判(双语)
you can't get maternity leave at the same time ...
heavy negotiations on the farm
恶作剧 愚人节的庆祝方式是,拿亲朋好友和同事开玩笑,以此来愚弄他们。由于愚人节不是一个(法定)节日,因此很多人忘了这个日子的含义,把自己弄得毫无防备。最传统的玩笑就是让人白跑腿儿,但现在,花样可能要复杂得多...
2018-12-08 英语笑话 -
双语笑话 我理想的男友标准-修订版(42岁时)
What I Want in a Man-Revised List (age 42): 1. Not too ugly (bald head OK) 2. Doesn’t drive off until I’m in the car 3. Works steady -- splurges on dinner out occ...
2018-11-26 英语笑话 -
趣味图片英语笑话:Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱丽叶(双语)
If Romeo and Juliet took place in our time如果罗密欧与朱丽叶发生在我们这个时代 更多 英语笑话、英语小笑话、英文笑话、英语幽默小故事 相关文章和资料,请继续关注 英语作文大全...
2018-11-06 英语笑话 -
A wealthy matron is so proud of a valuable antique vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase. Several painters try to match the shad...
2018-11-28 英语笑话 -
趣味图片英语笑话:Eric and Josh 埃里克和乔希(双语)
It's impossible to cut the tie without one of them dying...不可能把领带切断除非其中一个死去……Eric and Josh, the world's two first siamese accoutants埃里克和乔希,世界第一对暹罗会...
2018-11-07 英语笑话 -
Male Joke(30)
There was a manager of a company who was ready to retire,so he began training his replacement. Just before he left for good,he took the replacement aside and told him that if he ever got really...
2018-12-31 英语笑话 -
英语幽默精读【2】I'll Keep it on My Floor
My 16-year-old son, Jeff, is a boy any parent would be proud of ――until you see the floor of his room, covered with layers of clothes, magazines and sports equipment. Recently I accompanied J...
2019-01-07 英语笑话 -
Problematic Child
There was a baby born in the hospital and he weighed ten pounds. The odd thing about him was his body weighed five pounds and his balls weighed five pounds. All the...
2019-03-18 英语笑话 -
How do you know that?
Bob: My car doesn't have a speedometer. Rob: Then how do you know how fast you're going? Bob: Well, when I'm driving at 15 miles an hour, the fenders rattle; at 25 miles an hour, the win...
2018-12-03 英语笑话