
8. Where Do You Want These Blinds

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  A drill sergeant ordered two young female recruits to paint a room in the barracks, stressing that they not get any paint on their uniforms. Doubtful they could avoid ruining their clothes, the women locked the door, stripped naked and painted in nude. After about an hour they heard a knock at the door . "Who is it?" asked one of the women.

  "Blind man, "came the reply.

  Seeing no harm in letting a blind man in, they opened the door.

  "Wow, what knockouts!" the man said with surprise. "Now, where do you want these blinds?"


  (1) drill n .军事训练;操练如: The soldiers were at drill in the barrack square.兵士们在营房的操场上操练。

  (2) sergeant n.中士

  (3) recruits n.新兵

  (4) barracks n.兵营;营房如:The barracks are quite new.那些营房相当新。

  (5) doubtful adj.怀疑的;不能确定的

  (6) ruin v.使毁灭;使败坏

  (7) strip v.脱下;除去

  (8) nude n.裸体人像

  (9) knockouts n.动人的人或物

  (10) blind adj.盲的;瞎的n.卷式窗帘



  ① Three young female recruits were ordered to paint the room.

  ② They were required not to get any paint on their uniforms.

  ③ The women painted the room in nude with the door unlocked.

  ④ The women thought a blind man could not see them naked.

  ⑤ "A blind man " in this passage refers to a man who makes or sends blinds.









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