
每日一笑: Who‘s More Polite?(6.10)

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          Who's More Polite?

A fat man and a skinny man were arguing about who was the more
polite. The skinny man said he was more polite because he always
tipped his hat to ladies. But the fat man knew he was more courteous because, whenever he got up and offered his seat, two ladies could sit down.


一个胖子和一个瘦子在争论谁更有礼貌。 瘦子说他更有礼貌,因为他经常对女士摘帽示意。但是胖子认为他更有风度,因为无论什么时候他在车上给别人让座时,总有两位女士能坐下。

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本文标题:每日一笑: Who‘s More Polite?(6.10) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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