
An clever old man

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An old man is well known in his country because he can predict the future. He knows what is going to happen. One day the king goes to see him with his son. The king asks the old man some questions. You can imagine the sort of questions: “ Am I going to live a long time?” “What is my future? What is going to happen?” The old man looks at the king. And he said: “ You are going to die in three days.” The king is very worried. Three days later he dies. Everybody is very sad, but life must continue and the son becomes the king. The son is very worried. He thinks the old man is a magician. He thinks he used magic to kill the old king. As far as he is concerned there is only one solution: the old man must die. So the son goes to see the old man again with two soldiers. The new king looks at the old man and says: “You think you are very clever, old man. Tell me, what is your future?” The old man looks at the new king and says: “I am going to die.” The king laughs and says: “When are you going to die?” And the old man replies: “I am going to die three days before you.”

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