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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!



A Girl's Wish

On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it. The smallest girl in the class said she wished the dancers were taller so that they would not have to stand on their toes all the time.




Impudent Questions

A little girl from the East Side was invited to a garden party given by a very aristocratic lady to a group of little East-Siders.

The little girl, as she drank her tea and ate her plum-cake on a velvet lawn under a white-blooming cherry tree, said to her hostess:

"Does your husband drink?"

"Why-er-no, not to excess," was the astonished reply.

"How much does he make?"

"He doesn't work, " said the lady. "He is a capitalist."

"You keep out of debt, I hope?"

"Of course, child. What on earth do you mean by all these impudent questions?"

"Impudent?" said the little girl. "Why, Ma'am, Mother told me to be sure and behave like a lady, and when ladies call at our rooms they always question Mother like that."



  在一棵开满了白色小花儿的樱桃树下,小女孩坐在柔软的草地上,一边品尝着她的茶和梅子蛋糕,一边对贵妇人说:“你的丈夫酗酒吗?” “呃,呃,不,他喝得不多。”夫人一脸惊诧。






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