双语 笑话 makes a pig of himself / herself
If you've ever watched pigs eat, you will certainly have noticed that they have no control over their eating habits. The very sight of food makes them want to fill their bellies, and they don't know when to stop! From that, anyone who eats a lot or can't stop eating makes a pig of himself/herself. This is generally used humorously. 如果你曾经看过猪吃东西的话,你一定会发现它们毫无吃相可言。只要一看见食物,它们就想把胃塞满,根本不知道什么时候该停止。由此,某人吃得很多或者是吃得停不下来就可以说是 makes a pig of himself / herself。这个词组一般可以幽默地应用: "I made a pig of myself at Jane's party. I think I sampled everything on the buffet table." “我在简的派对上狼吞虎咽,把自助餐桌上的食物尝遍了。”
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