
英语幽默时尚版 我为妈妈煮了一杯茶

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  第一部份 新鲜生活


  Have you notlced that children sometimes tyr to be helpful,but lt makes vour life more complicated? This story is about a sick mother whose darUng daughter want to be a good nurse.


  A:Mummy,let me fluff the pillow fo you




  A:Mummy,here is a magazine you can read it.


  B:OK.Thank you!


  A:Mumrny,I make a cup of tea for you,here vou are.


  B:(Drinking) Why.vou are auch sweetheafi,I didn't know you could make tea.


  A:Oh.yes.I put the tea leaves in the water like you do,and I boiled it.and then I strained it into a cup.But I couldn't find a strainer, so I used the flyswatter.


  B:You what?


  A:Oh,don'l worry,Mummy.I didn't use the new flyswatter.I used the old one.


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本文标题:英语幽默时尚版 我为妈妈煮了一杯茶 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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