
123.Its Kind of Fitting

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  As a freshman at the University of Dayton in Ohio, I was eager to make a good impression on my new roommate. When I arrived at our dorm room, I found her putting on perfume. "That's a great scent," I said, making conversation.

  "Thanks-it was from my boyfriend. Here, try some," she said, holding the bottle out for me.

  Unfortunately she let go before I had a firm grip, and the glass shattered on the tile floor. , Embarrassed, I tried to apologize, but she cut me off - "Actually, it's kind of fitting," she explained, surveying the damage. "That's exactly how the relationship went.


  (1) make a good impression on:给…留下好印象

  (2) perfume n.香水

  (3) unfortunately adv.不幸地

  (4) let go 放手;松手常用于下面的结构中:let sb sth go;let go of sb sth

  (5) shatter v.(突然而剧烈地)破成碎片

  (6) tile n.瓷砖

  (7) embarrass v.使困窘

  (8) cut sb off 打断

  (9) fitting adj.适当的

  (10) survey v.检查;查看



  ① As a freshman at the University of Dayton in Ohio, I was eager to make a good impression _____ my new roommate.

  ② When I arrived at our dorm room, I found her putting _____ perfume.

  ③ "That's a great scent," I said, _____conversation.

  ④ Unfortunately she let _____before I had a firm grip.

  ⑤ Embarrassed , I tried to apologize, but she cut me_____ .







① on ② on ③ making ④ go ⑤ off

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