
原来如此That's Why--双语幽默笑话

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That's Why


Jimmy started painting when he was three years old, and when he was five, he was already very good at it. He painted many beautiful and interesting pictures, and people paid a lot of money for them. They said, "This boy's going to be famous when he's little older, and then we're going to sell these pictures for a lot more money."


Jimmy's pictures were different from other people's because he never painted on all of the paper. He painted on half of it, and the other half was always empty.


"That's very clever," everyone said, "Nobody else does that!"


One day somebody bought one of Jimmy's pictures and then said to him, "Please tell me this, Jimmy. Why do you paint on the bottom half of your pictures, but not on the top half?"


"Because I'm small," Jimmy said, "and my burshes don't reach very high."


英语笑话 英语小笑话 英文笑话 英语幽默小故事


本文标题:原来如此That's Why--双语幽默笑话 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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