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Unit 7 A Touching Farewell 一个感人的告别

Two old friends were out golfing. As they were preparing to tee off near a road, a funeral cortege drove by and one of the two friends took off his hat and held it over his heart until the line of cars had passed.

“Well, that was good manners on your part,” said his partner.

“Oh, it was the least I could do. After all, we would have been married thirty years next Tuesday.”


1.tee off 自发球处开球

2.funeral n. 葬礼;出 殡行列

3.cortege n. (法文)行列

4.take off... 脱去……
put on... 穿起
例:"Take off your clothes and bend over," ordered the doctor.

5.manner n. 方式;礼貌(恒用复数); 俗;举止(=behavior)
good manner 有礼貌
例:There's something odd about that young man's manner.
We all like to associate with people with good manners.

6.on sb's part 在某人这方面
例:Obviously the effort on your part is not enough.

7.partner n. 同伴

8.It/That was the least one could do. 对某而言那不算什么;那是某人最起码所能做的事。
例:"Thank you very much for the help."
"Don't mention it. That's the least I could do."
(“非常感谢你的帮忙 。别客气,那只是小事一桩。”)

9.after all 毕竟;终究
例:Don't expect too much of him. After all, he's only five.

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本文标题:赖世雄读英语笑话学英语之婚姻笑话(7):一个感人的告别(双语) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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