
英文笑话:Female Mini Bus

阅读 :

  Please be carefull when you all chose your wives……

  The story begin at Kampung Pandan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A mother was very concerned that her middle-aged son haven't shown the slighted indication of getting married. So one day she called her son to her house. The son came home from work, grudgingly. Upon arriving, he found out that his mother had gathered a few beautiful ladies at the house for him to choose whose to be his future bride. The first one was a well-endowned telephonist-via-receptionist. he immidiately rejected " Aiyaa…… mother, they always say……HOLD ON, HOLD ON……"

  The second nominee was a leggy secretary. This was rejected also"Aiyaa……mother, this one aaa……, secretary always fond of saying.SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN……"

  By this time, the mother is nearing frustation. She called a sweet, but plain-looking teacher. The son suddenly agreed!!

  The mother was surprised…… "Why this one? The previous two were a lot more better looking!"

  He replies " Teachers aaa…… teacher good, always say


  Her youngest son, who is 10 years old, was listening quietly all this while at the other end of the room. Suddenly, he shouted "Brader aaa……female mini bus conductor more better laa……they always say……



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