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  Little Johnny was playing with his father's wallet when he accidently swallowed a quarter. He went crying to him mum, choking on the quarter. They took him to a doctor, who said that the quarter was impossible to remove without surgery, they consulted a specialist who was of the same opinion. Then came a man who said he could get the money out in a jiffy. He turned little Johnny upside down and patted him with great precision on the back of neck and, sure enough, the quarter rolled out. Everyone was amazed, the father said “You must be an expert!” The man replied, “No sir I'm just a tax collector.”

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本文标题:了不起的收税官 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

上一篇:钥匙还是接吻 下一篇:真正的导盲犬


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