
英文笑话:Kinki Lady

阅读 :
There was a middle aged lady who was now living alone her divorce having gone through a few years before. She worked in a very responsible position within the National Health Service in the U.K. She was coming up to her fiftieth birthday and her fellow workers decided to throw her a surprise birthday party, so they all managed to get into her house before she came home and hid down in the cellar. Now this lady had acquired a young Alsatian puppy of about six months to keep her company on those cold lonely winter nights and this puppy lived down in the cellar during the day. So picture this, there are about fifty people and one young puppy hiding in her cellar waiting to spring the "birthday surprise" when they hear her come home. Finally the cellar door is flung open and the light turned on, the first thing everyone sees is the woman standing there stark naked with jam spread all over her crotch as she says "Come on Fido, mummy's home"

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